These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
The material is searchable, can be browsed by ‘Theme’ or ‘Decade’, and filtered by media type.
You can download individual items from the collection, or use the search and filtering to produce your own downloadable collections.
Notes on downloading:
- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
- Downloading audio items will include both the audio files and a ‘poster image’ for each audio item, if available
- Downloading image items will just include the images
- All downloads will include a CSV file containing the metadata for the selected media items
Search Results
2977 results found
Patch Blue Peter
Patch, the Blue Peter dog, in 1966. Patch appeared on the show between 1965 & 1971
28 KB
1960s, animals, images
Children Talking - Martians, 1960s
1 MB
1960s, childhood, audio
Children Talking - Anger, 1960s
2 MB
1960s, childhood, audio
Children Talking - Bravery, 1970s
830 KB
1960s, childhood, audio
Changing Times
Children Talking - Changing times, 1960s
992 KB
1960s, childhood, audio
Children who took part in 'Time Out', a weekly programme reporting on the world of leisure.
40 KB
1960s, childhood, images
Children Play
Children playing in 1960s
4 MB
1960s, childhood, video
Children Playing
Children who took part in 'Time Out', a weekly programme reporting on the world of leisure.
68 KB
1960s, childhood, images
Children Playing With Toys
Children at a Barnados home at Barkingside, Essex. The reactions of the children, aged between two and six, were filmed when they were let loose on a treasure heap of toys.
44 KB
1960s, childhood, images
Children With Toys
Children at a Barnados home at Barkingside, Essex. The reactions of the children, aged between two and six, were filmed when they were let loose on a treasure heap of toys.
46 KB
1960s, childhood, images
Children Talking - Couple, 1960s
451 KB
1960s, childhood, audio
Children Talking - Dinosaurs, 1960s
726 KB
1960s, childhood, audio