These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.

The material is searchable, can be browsed by ‘Theme’ or ‘Decade’, and filtered by media type.

You can download individual items from the collection, or use the search and filtering to produce your own downloadable collections.

Notes on downloading:

  • Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
  • Downloading audio items will include both the audio files and a ‘poster image’ for each audio item, if available
  • Downloading image items will just include the images
  • All downloads will include a CSV file containing the metadata for the selected media items

Search Results

2977 results found

  1. London Boat Sing Song

    Revellers enjoying a summer boat trip along the Thames, followed by a sing song. 1960

    9 MB

    1960s, leisure, video

  2. Market Traders

    Market stall holders selling their wares. 1960

    7 MB

    1960s, people, video

  3. Holborn Library

    Holborn Library, a modern library in an historic setting, across the road from the dignified buildings and lawns of Grey's Inn in Holborn stands London's newest Library, which opened to the public this week. 1960

    6 MB

    1960s, people, video

  4. Model Trams

    The Tramway and Light Railway Society have their centenary model tram exhibition in Bishopsgate, London today. 1960

    10 MB

    1960s, leisure, video

  5. Cricket Match

    Cricket Match. 1960

    4 MB

    1960s, sport, video

  6. David Attenborough

    David Attenborough, 1960

    52 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  7. Black Arrows

    At Biggin Hill a crowd of 180,000 watched the Black Arrows making their last appearance together. 1960

    5 MB

    1960s, events, video

  8. Animal Magic Iguana

    Johnny Morris on his rounds. Keeper Morris is shown with an iguana.

    33 KB

    1960s, animals, images

  9. Blue Peter Cat

    Jason the Blue Peter cat

    40 KB

    1960s, animals, images

  10. Dog Patch

    Patch the Blue Peter dog. Patch appeared on the show between 1965 & 1971

    32 KB

    1960s, animals, images

  11. Parrot 2

    Barney The Blue Peter Parrot, who appeared on the show in 1968 & 1969

    49 KB

    1960s, animals, images

  12. Parrot A

    Joey The Blue Peter Parrot, who appeared on the show from 1966 to 1968

    39 KB

    1960s, animals, images