These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
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Search Results
2977 results found
One or two skiers were out on the long slopes of Bexhill about 25 miles south of London and in a flurry of snowballs was a crowd of sea-scouts. 1956
9 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Return To Work
City workers found their return to work after the Christmas holidays on a cold and foggy day at London Bridge. 1956
8 MB
1950s, people, video
Fare Rises
On the London Underground fares rise from two-pence-ha'penny to threepence. This also applies to London buses and is to offset higher oil costs. The Underground staff are busy altering the ticket machines at booking offices. 1956
17 MB
1950s, events, video
Coal Mining
Mechanised coal mining. 1956
19 MB
1950s, people, video
Louis Armstrong
The American jazz musician Louis Armstrong has arrived in London by air. 1956
5 MB
1950s, people, video
Brighton Seafront
People enjoying springtime on Brighton beach and seafront in 1957.
4 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Aneurin Bevan
The Rt. Hon. Aneurin Bevan. 1957
79 KB
1950s, people, images
A policeman explains traffic control to Raymond Baxter
80 KB
1950s, people, images
Families At The Beach
Montage of families heading to the beach from 1957
5 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Man plays guitar, 1957
87 KB
1950s, music, images
Gales 1
Damage and destruction caused by gales across the country. 1957
8 MB
1950s, events, video
Gales 2
Damage and destruction caused by gales across the country. 1957
10 MB
1950s, events, video