These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
The material is searchable, can be browsed by ‘Theme’ or ‘Decade’, and filtered by media type.
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Notes on downloading:
- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
- Downloading audio items will include both the audio files and a ‘poster image’ for each audio item, if available
- Downloading image items will just include the images
- All downloads will include a CSV file containing the metadata for the selected media items
Search Results
2977 results found
Bus Family
A mother and children standing on on a bus, with other people sitting. 1986.
37 KB
1980s, people, images
Woman with children in pram in street
42 KB
1980s, people, images
Doctor Who Baker
Christopher Ryan as His Magnificence the Lord Kiv, a monster / creature (also known as a Mentor) and Colin Baker as the Doctor in the 'Dr Who" adventure "The Trial of a Time Lord'. 1986
103 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Doctor Who Baker Tardis
Colin Baker as the Doctor, seen here standing beside the Tardis, in 'Dr Who : The Trial of a Time Lord'. 1986
91 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Top Of The Pops
Aha performing on Top of the Pops, 1986
105 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Naked Video
Picture shows the stars of Naked Video. (clockwise from left) Gregor Fisher, Andy Gray, Tony Roper, John Sparkes, Jonathan Watson, Ron Bain, Helen Lederer, Elaine C Smith. 1986
103 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Lake Swim
Arthur Miller. 1987
234 KB
1980s, leisure, images
City Traders
Traders working in the money market, 1987
70 KB
1980s, people, images
Lou Beale
Lou Beale from Eastenders on Songs of Praise, 1987
75 KB
1980s, people, images
Chris Packham Tube
Chris Packham wearing a 4'6" motorised tail on the London Underground, 1987
68 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Paul Daniels And Debbie Mcgee
Paul Daniels and his assistant Debbie McGee, 1987
41 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Jasper Carrott
Japser Carrott, 1987
111 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images