These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
The material is searchable, can be browsed by ‘Theme’ or ‘Decade’, and filtered by media type.
You can download individual items from the collection, or use the search and filtering to produce your own downloadable collections.
Notes on downloading:
- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
- Downloading audio items will include both the audio files and a ‘poster image’ for each audio item, if available
- Downloading image items will just include the images
- All downloads will include a CSV file containing the metadata for the selected media items
Search Results
2977 results found
Young Woman
Young woman in 1985
49 KB
1980s, people, images
Steve Davis
Steve Davies playing snooker
50 KB
1980s, sport, images
Blackadder The 2nd
Rowan Atkinson and Miranda Richardson from Blackadder the 2nd, 1985
55 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Brains Thunderbirds
Brains from Thunderbirds talks to Saturday Review in 1985
83 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Buster Merryfield
Buster Merryfield as Uncle Albert from only Fools and Horses, 1985
78 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Ronie Corbett in 'Sorry'
Ray Reardon as himself and Ronnie Corbett as Timothy Lumsden in Sorry, 1985
39 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Delia Smith
TV Cook Delia Smith, 1985
48 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Doctor Who Baker
Colin Baker as the Doctor and Nicola Bryant as Peri. 'Dr Who: The Two Doctors' 1985
79 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Duncan Dares
Peter Duncan in Duncan Dares from 1985
71 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Henry Cooper
Henry Cooper and Chris Kelly on the Food and Drink Show in 1985
88 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Keith Floyd And Fish
Keith Floyd and a fish, 1985
95 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams in Galloping Galaxies from 1985
48 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images