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Search Results
2977 results found
TVTest Card
BBC Test card G is often called the electronic test card. It can only be seen as a picture on the television screen and does not exist as a card at all, the picture is generated entirely in electronic circuits. The patterns and shapes each have a special significance for television engineers.
48 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
TV Test Card F
BBC Test card G is often called the electronic test card. It can only be seen as a picture on the television screen and does not exist as a card at all, the picture is generated entirely in electronic circuits. The patterns and shapes each have a special significance for television engineers.
51 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Una Stubbs
Una Stubbs
27 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Valerie Singleton
Valerie Singleton - star of the popular 'Blue Peter' programme, from 1964.
42 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Vision On
Tony Hart and Pat Keysell, the presenters of Vision On - a programme for deaf and hearing children featuring art, mime, sketches, music and animations.
45 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Watch With Mother
Vera McKechnie with Sossidge who stands on the picture book, from 'Watch With Mother'
36 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Weather Man 1
Jack Armstrong, one of the team of weatherman from the Meteorological office.
43 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Weather Man
Bert Foord, one of the team of weathermen from the meteorological office.
33 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Dennis Waterman as 'William'
Dennis Waterman as William, adapted from the stories by Richmal Crompton, from 1962
47 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Z Cars
Joseph Brady as P.C. Jock Weir and Brian Blessed as P.C. Fancy Smith- the crew of Z Victor 1 in 'Z Cars'.
41 KB
1960s, tv and radio, images
Isaac Stern
American Violinist Isaac Stern, 1961
38 KB
1960s, music, images
Yehudi Menuhin
Yehudi Menuhin plays Bruch's Violin Concerto No 1, 1961
75 KB
1960s, music, images