These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.

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Search Results

2977 results found

  1. The Likely Lads

    Bartlett Mullins as Cloughy, Yvette Rees as Mrs. Prada Winsor , James Bolam as Terry, Rodney Bews as Bob, Donald McKillon as Jack in 'The Likely Lads'

    34 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  2. The Liver Birds

    Polly James as Beryl and Pauline Collins as Dawn in The Liver Birds, the Comedy Playhouse production to be screened on BBC1 on Monday 14th April, 1969.

    43 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  3. The Rag Trade

    Miriam Karlin as Paddy , Esma Cannon, Rita Smythe , Barbara Windsor, Peter Jones, Reg Varney, Toni Palmer, Ann Beach, Judy Crane and Sheila Hancock from 'Are You Being Served' set in Fenner Fashions clothes factory.

    55 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  4. The Railway Children Train 2

    Joe, one of the engines which plays an important part in the 'The Railway Children' a dramatisation in seven episodes of the novel by E.Nesbit .

    49 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  5. The Railway Children Train

    'Sir Berkeley' in a scene from 'The Railway Children' a dramatisation in seven episodes of the novel by E.Nesbit .

    43 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  6. The Squeeze

    Stanley Baker playing Big Tom with Jessie Evans as his wife Shirley in Harry Green's play 'The Squeeze' from 1960

    118 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  7. The Stanley Baxter Show

    Stanley Baxter doing a few of his many impersonations.

    55 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  8. This Is Your Life

    Eamonn Andrews, compere of the programme hands the book of his 'life' to the Rev. David Sheppard, 1960.

    33 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  9. Tichpuzzle

    Ray Alan, Tich and Quackers being instructed in the theory of space and space suits by Tony Hart

    44 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  10. TV Test Card 2

    BBC Test card G is often called the electronic test card. It can only be seen as a picture on the television screen and does not exist as a card at all, the picture is generated entirely in electronic circuits. The patterns and shapes each have a special significance for television engineers.

    60 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  11. TV Test Card 3

    BBC Test card G is often called the electronic test card. It can only be seen as a picture on the television screen and does not exist as a card at all, the picture is generated entirely in electronic circuits. The patterns and shapes each have a special significance for television engineers.

    38 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images

  12. TV Test Card 4

    BBC Test card G is often called the electronic test card. It can only be seen as a picture on the television screen and does not exist as a card at all, the picture is generated entirely in electronic circuits. The patterns and shapes each have a special significance for television engineers.

    22 KB

    1960s, tv and radio, images