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Search Results
2977 results found
Although it's the off season for athletics Roger Bannister turned out at Motspur Park to pace his friend, Australian & Olympic miler Don Macmillan. 1953
13 MB
1950s, sport, video
Arts Ball
Preperations for the Chelsea Arts Ball are taking place in the Royal Albert Hall.1953
7 MB
1950s, events, video
January Bargain Hunters
New Year Sales have begun already in London. 1953
13 MB
1950s, people, video
January Hat Counter
New Year Sales have begun already in London. 1953
13 MB
1950s, people, video
January Sales
New Year Sales have begun already in London. 1953
14 MB
1950s, people, video
January Sales Shoppers
New Year Sales have begun already in London. 1953
12 MB
1950s, people, video
Thousands of Scots leave London by train to spend Hogmanay at home. 1953
12 MB
1950s, people, video
Rail Strike Off
Postmaster General, Earl De La Warr, emphasised the need to post early. at Christmas. 1953
12 MB
1950s, events, video
Rugby League
Former British champion sprinter, Mcdonald Bailey, played his first Rugby League game last night, when he turned out for Leigh in a friendly against Wigan. Eventually Leigh beat Wigan 11-3 & Bailey helped them by serving a try. 1953
16 MB
1950s, sport, video
In London a team of marble players from the US Navy limbered up in a London park for a forthcoming competition. 1954
6 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Seven Stars
Wynford Vaughan Thomas describing London Signs and some of the citys famous landmarks. Outside the Seven Stars Pub, London, 1954
66 KB
1950s, people, images
Trafalgar Square
Picture shows Albert Gaum of the BBC German Language Service, visiting Trafalger Square.
109 KB
1950s, people, images