These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
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- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
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Search Results
2977 results found
Tennis Kids
The Road To Wimbledon Children's Tennis Tournament. 1950
10 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Road To Wimbledon
The Road To Wimbledon Children's Tennis Tournament. 1950
11 MB
1950s, leisure, video
Making Biscuits
Inside a biscuit factory, 1950
17 MB
1950s, people, video
Weed Killer Train
Train crew spraying weedkiller onto tracks. 1950
8 MB
1950s, people, video
Kid's Tennis
The Road To Wimbledon Children's Tennis Tournament. 1950
11 MB
1950s, sport, video
Women's Tennis
The Road To Wimbledon Children's Tennis Tournament. 1950
7 MB
1950s, sport, video
Pensioners And Pets
30 pensioners & their pets, who had been helped by the PDSA in recent months, attended a party given by the PDSA at the Tower of London. 1950
11 MB
1950s, animals, video
Circus Elephant
Three of the Peggy O Farrell children keeping in step with an elephant. Following the Queens Christmas message Billy Smart of circus fame has invited BBC viewers to what he calls a bit of a party for the family.
46 KB
1950s, animals, images
Dixie, one of the elephants at Whipsnade Zoo, is interviewed by Raymond Toussaint, while talking to some young friends for the programme England Today.
65 KB
1950s, animals, images
Drawing envelopes from the mail-bag of entries in the BBC French Service crossword puzzle competition.
36 KB
1950s, childhood, images
Children & Magician
Children at a party given by the BBC Turkish Service to celebrate Children's Day. Here the children watch the conjuror take a rabbit out of his bag.
43 KB
1950s, childhood, images
Children Wheelbarrow Race
A party of children from the war devastated areas of Northern Italy visited Britain in August 1950 under the auspices of the International Help for Children
67 KB
1950s, childhood, images