These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
The material is searchable, can be browsed by ‘Theme’ or ‘Decade’, and filtered by media type.
You can download individual items from the collection, or use the search and filtering to produce your own downloadable collections.
Notes on downloading:
- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
- Downloading audio items will include both the audio files and a ‘poster image’ for each audio item, if available
- Downloading image items will just include the images
- All downloads will include a CSV file containing the metadata for the selected media items
Search Results
2977 results found
Craft Fair
Lady buying gloves from a craft stall, 1981
8 MB
1980s, people, video
Craft Ladies
Ladies setting up craft stall, Salisbury, 1981
8 MB
1980s, people, video
Lady using loom, 1981
10 MB
1980s, people, video
Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode appearing on 'Top of the Pops' 1982
83 KB
1980s, music, images
England World Cup
Kevin Keegan with the England Football team on 'Top of the Pops' 1982
85 KB
1980s, music, images
Haircut 100
Haircut 100 on 'Top of the Pops' 1982
88 KB
1980s, music, images
People Singing
People singing, 1982
57 KB
1980s, music, images
Soft Cell
Soft Cell (l-r) Marc Almond and Dave Ball performing on 'Top Of The Pops', 1982
58 KB
1980s, music, images
Yazoo appearing on Top of the Pops 1982
86 KB
1980s, music, images
Amateur Dramatics
Amateur Dramaticist from 1982
66 KB
1980s, people, images
Heart Transplant
Surgeons performing a heart transplant at Harefield Hospital, 1982
71 KB
1980s, people, images
Three young skinheads, 1982
98 KB
1980s, people, images