These nearly 3000 items from the BBC Archive have been made freely available for personal, educational, and research use, licensed under the terms of the RemArc licence.
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- Downloading video items will include both the video files and a ‘poster image’ for each video
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Search Results
2977 results found
Ian Krankie, Jimmy Krankie, Jan Michelle, Stu Francis from 'Crackerjack'
39 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Delia Smith
Delia Smith cooks offal in the 1980s
19 MB
1980s, tv and radio, video
Doctor Who
Tom Baker as Dr Who with the Daleks at BBC Television Centre.
68 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Doctor Who CBaker
Nicola Bryant as Peri, companion to The Doctor and Colin Baker as the Doctor in the three-part 'Dr Who' adventure 'The Two Doctors'.
39 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Gordon The Gopher
Gordon the Gofer in the Children's BBC broom cupboard, from 1987
32 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Grange Hill
Todd Carty as peter Tucker Jenkins, Paul McCarthy as Tommy Watson, Rene Alperstein as Pamela Cartwright, Linda Slater as Susi McMahon, Terry Sue Patt as Benny Green and George Armstrong as Alan Humphries.
58 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Grange Hill Class Of '89
Grange Hill class of 1989.
68 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Greene & Morph
Sarah Greene and Morph.
36 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Hi De Hi
The cast of 'Hi De Hi'.
52 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
It Aint Half Hot Mum
The cast of 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' including Windsor Davies as Battery Sergeant-Major Shut Up Williams, Don Estelle as Gunner Lofty Sugden, Kenneth MacDonald as Gunner Nobby Clark and Dino Shafeek as Char Wallah Muhammed, from 1980.
56 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Jackanory David Jason
David Jason on 'Jackanory' telling the story 'Tumbleweed'.
55 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images
Jackanory Jane Asher
Jane Asher on 'Jackanory' reading E Nesbit's celebrated children's novel, 'The Railway Children', about three children whose fascination with the railway helps reunite their family.
29 KB
1980s, tv and radio, images